Talking about insurance coverage, critical illnesses insurance is one of those plans you need to know. As its name suggests, this is a health plan insurance designed for severe illness. When you need to pay for your medical care expenses due to several illnesses, this coverage will be billed. This insurance is supplemental and can be purchased along with your primary health insurance. Still, some restrictions are applied. Make sure you ask your insurance company before applying for critical illness care insurance. How it works Critical illness insurance requires you to pay a monthly premium, just like many types of insurance on the market. The policies offer insurance coverage from USD 5,000 up to USD 500,000. The premiums you must pay depend on the coverage amount you’ve purchased. Also, it depends on several aspects such as your age, general health, how many illnesses covered by the policy, and many more. You need to check with the insurance company. Some plans even require a thoro...
One Stop Life Insurance article, Tips, Benefit and Review